Vessel Christian Counseling
Walking beside you towards God's best for your life!
Group Counseling for Partners of Sex Addicts

​​The groups will offer group counseling and support for those women whose partners have engaged or are engaging with any kind of sexual addiction such as pornography, video chatting/messaging, affairs, strip clubs, prostitutes, or any other kind of sexual addiction activity. The materials for the class will be the book ‘Your Sexually Addicted Spouse: How Partners Can Cope and Heal’ by Marsha Means as well as the workbook ‘From Betrayal Trauma to Healing & Joy’ also by Marsha Means. The first group will be starting Thursday, October 17th from 7-8:30pm MST and will be every Thursday (except holidays, those will be taken off) for 12 weeks. Groups will be 12 weeks long, with a maximum of 14 members in person, but unlimited online. Groups are available to women anywhere in Idaho or Washington state. The group is closed, meaning it will be the same members each time. Groups have been shown time and time again to be just as, if not more, successful than individual therapy! The cost is also half the cost of regular therapy.
Rates are $40 per group, per person.
Space is very limited. For more info, please email me at:

The reason group therapy is so successful is multi-faceted. It's helpful to meet with others who struggle with the same thing you do. This helps one feel less alone in their struggles. Also, group therapy gives the chance to practice new skills within the group and with each other. You are not alone.

You are not alone
Vessel Christian Counseling
Walking beside you towards God’s best for your life!